Deep Freeze makes all changes to the computer temporary. The computer operates normally and Deep Freeze is totally invisible to the user. The computer is 100% restored by simply restarting the computer. Permanent changes can be made by disabling Deep Freeze during the restart. For example, the changes listed on the right, or any other changes, are temporary and the computer is 100% restored to the original configuration by simply restarting the computer.
- Install new software or upgrades
- Remove software
- Delete Folders and files
- Virus infections (even boot sector viruses)
- Power off or reset during operations
- Change Desktop and background
- Download files from the Internet
- Format (or FDISK) the harddrive, YIKES !
Deep Freeze โปรแกรมที่เวลาปิดคอมแล้ว พอเวลาเปิดคอมทุกอย่างที่ก็จะกลับมาเหมือนเดิม เหมือนกับร้านเกมส์นั้นแหละ แหะๆ คงรู้จักกันนะ